OSHA 300, 300A & Recordkeeping
Under OSHA’s recordkeeping regulation, employers are required to prepare and maintain records of workplace injuries and illnesses for all locations. There are many nuances that must be clearly understood in order to meet the recordkeeping requirements.
This factsheet will walk you through the employer responsibilities of workplace injury & illness reporting, including severe injury reporting requirements.
De-energization, Lockout & Verification
Lockout / Tagout is the fourth most cited violation by OSHA. Providing lockout locks is not sufficient to comply with OSHA lockout / tagout requirements
This factsheet explains employer and employee responsibilities for lockout / tagout along with requirements for equipment procedures, training & audits.
Safety Data Sheets, GHS Compliance & Labeling
HAZCOM is the second most cited violation by OSHA. In recent years, OSHA has made changes to the HAZCOM Program to meet international standards.
This factsheet will provide you an overview of hazardous communication regulations and employers responsibilities to comply with OSHA.